There are many stances to take on films like MARRY ME, the new rom com starring Jennifer Lopez and Owen Wilson. You could say that it is a chewing gum film, or it is another noxious stab at self promotion from a fading star, or thirdly it could be seen as a desperately required relief release? Well lets get to that shortly first, the story. A worldwide popular pop star Kat Valdez (Jennifer Lopez), has just been betrayed at the alter. Well, actually the stage, as she was slated to marry her pop star fiancé (Maluma) at a major event. This causes her to do an impossible thing. She marries a stranger from the audience. None other than, geeky high school math teacher Charlie Gilbert (Owen Wilson).
Plausibilty is not on the playbook here, lets just start with that. The plot is thin but the cast, director and even its stars grasp this early. The film is a, subtle, stab at the trappings of fame and shame to be honest. As the sham relationship develops, well the two spent time and telephone calls together. Sometimes, J Lo looks bored, others Wilson looks uncomfortable (I think its his acting style but maybe not). Then they arrive at a junction and can this sham become something solid? Well I wont spoil the end, but I suspect you know where it is going and to be honest it does this in a scheduled way. Lacking little menace or ill will, it delivers on some of its promise. Where it falls down is in its padding, packed as it is, with original songs by Jennifer Lopez and global Latin music star Maluma. This includes the title track, that was over played prior to the release. They are also on the disc, to replay. Or not.
The thing to remember here is that you watch these films for entertainment and not analysis par say. So everyone in MARRY ME delivers on what they are offering. The film runs long, to long in my opinion. This is due to a promotion deal I suspect, where J Lo album contents had to appear and this clogs up the films progress. But it has some insights. It is a modern love story about celebrity, marriage and social media. What it has to say, sometimes, is clever enough. But well traveled indeed. Superstardom is empty, vain and in an age of instant tech need, blunt in its requirements. MARRY ME has a disc semi filled with all the standards you expect. Interviews, on sets etc. They all shine no lights and end up adding little bite to the film. They do however revealing that the expectation of implausibility and silliness, is ever acknowledged.
Released: 16th May 2022