Hide and Go Shriek DVD Review

HAGS3Hide in your fathers furniture delivery store. Its okay as no one is there. Well that guy who went to prison and now lives in the basement. He wont be a problem mind, he just likes to drink and watch westerns really loud. The six guys your brought with you can go off and play hide the salami with their respective friends. Well you could do the same in truth…except that you have company. A person is in the store. They are killing people without remorse. Everyone is dead except you…and guess what? your next…

HAGS1HAGS brings us another instalment of the slasher classics series. Is it one that gives us value for money or reason to avoid? For me it is a mixed bag. You have the positives that include some great extras, the double discs Dual format is a great sales pitch for me and a film with a little kink in its step. The negatives are that it lacks bodies. It is a less witty film then it hopes and it falls at the final third. Now this is not uncommon, indie horrors found it hard to keep the pace and momentum.

HAGS2However the other elements do make it worth at least a passing interest. It comes from the later period and a lot of these were worth avoiding. The films hammy celebration of murder is well worth a look. It plays with that formula and avoids making it to much of one way (cerebral) or the other (ridiculous). Then that twisty little horror of a thrill that I wont spoil, give you something above the average. That makes it worth at least some attention. Lifting it above the average. I have seen the average and this passes over this by some distance.

HAGSHEADThe disc (DVD) is a print that looked nice and sounded good (The blu ray is far better and that 2K scan is amazing). The other thing to marvel at is the very good notes that come with the film.



  • Includes a DVD Copy of the Film

  • Restored from a 2K scan of the original InterNeg

  • Newly created optional English Subtitles

  • Remastered Trailer

  • Slasher Mania – Limited Edition Booklet Notes by Calum Waddell

  • Deleted Scene

  • Reversible Sleeve featuring logoless artwork


  • Region Code: B
  • Picture Format: HD 1.78:1
  • Audio Format: LPCM Stereo
  • Language: English
  • Certification: 18
  • Running Time: 90 Mins Approx


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