
Nomad Cinema – First ever Back to Back Cinema – Alien / Predator

While the Summer season’s screenings roll on through September, The Nomad is set to continue its jam-packed programme of exciting pop-up events with six dates confirmed for October and a winter season in a brand new venue coming soon.

First up is the announcement of a completely new format for pop-up cinema, an event that’s never been done before… BACK TO BACK CINEMA.

Prepare for the ultimate monster face-off, back-to-back. On Wednesday 7th October The Nomad brings you PREDATOR / ALIEN – Pledge Your Allegiance: a simultaneous, back-to-back, double-trouble double bill! Predator or Alien? Alien or Predator? Pick a side at this one-off, unique event at King’s Cross Theatre. Can’t decide? Pick both and stay for twice the fights and twice the frights.

Thanks to the two-sided, ‘traverse’ layout at this brand new venue, The Nomad will be screening retro sci-fi greats Predator (1987) and Alien (1979) at the exact same time. Twice. Two screens, back-to-back – with two audiences, face-to-face, and two audio channels running simultaneously through wi-fi headsets. Audiences will have the option of catching both films in the order they prefer, and decide which retro bad guy comes out on top. Or they could mix it up and tune in to hear Predator while watching Alien as you’ll be free to switch between the two audio channels throughout the films.

Tickets come with a complimentary drink on arrival in the Underground Foyer Bar and additional surprises along the way in this high-octane battle…


Early Show – 6.45pm [doors 6.30pm] Platform 1: Alien (15) Platform 2: Predator (18)
Late Show – 9.15pm [doors 9pm] Platform 1: Alien (15) Platform 2: Predator (18)

Double Bill A (18) Early: Alien || Late: Predator
Double Bill B (18) Early: Predator || Late: Alien


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