Acclaimed director Howard Ford’s latest feature NEVER LET GO has entered post production, shot under wraps in Morocco, Spain US and the UK, the action thriller follows the harrowing journey of Lisa, a single mother (played by Angela Dixon) whose daughter is abducted whilst on holiday. In a desperate race against time Lisa will stop at nothing to find her missing child. Also starring is Bafta award winning actress Lisa Eichhorn.
Writer/Director Howard, famed for the ‘The Dead’ 1 & 2, said today: “’I want to take audiences on a very believable but nerve shredding journey that throws them into the visceral plight that is the worst fear of parents everywhere”.
He added “There are tragically so many missing children out there, it’s something that affects people deeply all over the world and my hope is that this film does not only work dramatically but also forms part of maintaining awareness of the subject matter and need for vigilance in a time where the lives of a family can change forever in that split second”.
NEVER LET GO will unveil a teaser trailer in time for Berlinale Film festival and will be ready for delivery prior to Cannes 2015. World rights are currently available via Latitude Films UK Ltd.
The film is a Latitude Films presentation of a Howard J Ford film, starring Angela Dixon, Rami Nasr, Nigel Whitmey, Velibor Topic, Heather Peace, Sarah Perles, Michael Xavier, Samantha Bolter & Lisa Eichhorn. Produced by Howard J Ford, co-producer Laura Jane Stephens, Executive Producer Amir Moallemi, Special & Visual Effects by Dan Rickard, Sound Design by Rob Davidsson, Special Make-Up Effects Max Van De Banks. Director of Photography Travellian Skipaldi, Aerial Photography by Jon Ford. Music by Imran Ahmad. Written and Directed by Howard J Ford.