Orson Welles was a lover of fine cigars and smoking apparal. He loved to have a box beside him and a pipe on the go. He bought them at auction and even owned a rare piece or two. In this story Welles is the beneficary of a box of very rare and very exclusive cigars from Cuba. He begins to melt the history of the cigar with the history of its mythical production by the hands of an artist know as Conchita Marquez. This tale then floats along, mixing Welles life with Rita Hayworth and Marquez with a sailor. Spirits collide and dreams are made true.
The graphic novel can often bring the strange and surreal together in to a forum where they will be taken as what they are. It can take these elements and make a story structured to invest and extract real substance from.If you were to ask me, I would say that due to the nature of the format, it has become one of the most interesting places to see and hear new voices on. New ideas are given credence and room to grow.
This story has become a fine example of my arguement. A work of extreme tenderness about story telling that is both intellegent and rewarding. Rich and well illustrated but with a sense of humor and self to match the great film maker it is about. This is a story about a natural storyteller that is natural told. A love story merged with a man who loved life. A joy and a delight. One novel that proves also that the work of its writers is to be considered and invested more in. Having never read anything by Camus (Not Albert obviously!) I am in search of more as we speak!
Self made hero are a fantastic publication house and one that should be given your time and money. They make writers that have stories to tell, have a voice in the darkness of corporate dreg and dirge….