Clash of The Titans – New Trailer

Yet another remake of an old classic. I grew up with the original Clash of the Titans (1981) and loved it. When i first heard of this new version, i was both excited to see how modern day movie making could transform the effects. I was also worried that it would become just another big budget blockbuster with no substance and shatter my fond memories. Until its released, its hard to tell. The trailer looks good… but then, there are plenty of good trailers and poor films to match!

From the reports i have read, it seems like they will be pretty much sticking to the original plot. You can expect to see Perseus, now played by Sam Worthington (Terminator Salvation, Avatar), fighting the same enemies – The Kraken and The Medusa. Also involved is Ralph Fiennes playing Hades and Liam Neeson playing the role of Zeus. It’s shaping up well but we’ll have to wait and see. I just hope the producers haven’t cheesed it up too much, with a mind to turning it into a franchise for the future. The film is due for release in the UK, 26th March 2010. If you want to rekindle some old memories and stick with the original, you can buy it from

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